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3 Phrases That Drive Men Wild

Did you know that you can turn on any man just with your words?

There is a specific language that turn a man on and trigger a specific response in him, both physically and emotionally, and women who master this language have their men wrapped around their finger. What matters to most guys is that his sexual prowess is validated. He wants to know that you love what he’s doing and that his masculinity is arousing you. There is an almost universal male archetype of the strong sex-god rock star who is able to magically seduce and satisfy women. Yes, even your brainiac math whiz-type has a fantasy of being THAT guy. When you say these phrases, it’s like you’ve crawled right into his sexual imagination.

Here are a few phrases you can say to him can give him that feeling of sex-god rock star he craves.

#You feel so incredible.

Or you can fill in the blank with any kind of adjective there: amazing, big, good, fantastic, hard, huge, awesome. Add in the f-word for a more explicit effect. You get the idea. When you are having an intimate moment, telling him just how great he feels to you is the ultimate compliment.

This validates his prowess and physicality in real-time. And you’ll learn in my program Language of Desire just how much importance most guys place on their penis.

#Don’t stop!

It could be any command really: harder, right there, give it to me. Again, feel free to add in curse words and explicit language.

Giving him a command during intimacy to keep doing exactly what he’s doing to you is confident and hot. It’s hot because it shows him just how much you are enjoying it. Men say the number one thing they love during sex is an enthusiastic partner!

#I can’t get enough of you OR I’m so turned on by you.

This phrase speaks to his ability to arouse you. That he turns you into a sex-hungry girl who wants his body all the time. Is that an exaggeration? Sure. But think about how often we unwittingly turn our partners away because we are tired, or have a headache, or just aren’t in the mood.

This doesn’t mean you have to be ready to go at it 24/7. However, when you feed his ego that he has the ability to drive you wild with desire you make him feel amazing, especially when you say this phrase outside of the bedroom.

The idea that his woman is distracted in the middle of the day by sexy thoughts of him? Rawr.

If you want over 200+ ideas, phrases, and text messages to drive your man wild with desire for you, make sure to check out this new program, Language of Desire.

The program give you step by step instructions and tons of exact words to use to get exactly what you both want in and out of the bedroom. You will learn how to use the Pavlov erection, Sexual Singularity or Lust Mirror to make him absolutely crazy for you and much more.


What if I tell you there is a way to spark a man’s motivation so he would want to do the work for you and pursue you? Wouldn’t that feel amazing?

It’s possible. It’s even easy once you learn just one simple principle about the way the male brain is wired to respond in relationships.

Check out this video to learn how to do that. It could change everything about how he responds to you. Check Here Now to see for yourself.

Clayton Max’s Infatuation Scripts Review

You don’t want to make mistakes in your relationship – again and again, and eventually, lose your beloved – the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Rather, you want him to come to a realization that you are THE ONE, to make him incessantly desire only you, and to stir up in his being surges of sexual desire directed at you.

You can make that happen — by believing in yourself and in the principles outlined in a product called Infatuation Scripts.

If you are ready for the change, you can make it happen and make it happen NOW.

Let’s start this Infatuation Scripts Review –

What Is Infatuation Scripts?

Infatuation Scripts is a product created by relationship and counseling expert Clayton Max and Emma, with the purpose of assisting women troubled with dating issues.

The Infatuation Scripts guide will help you come to terms with the biggest mistakes that you’ve been doing all along and how to correct them.

It will also help you answer some of the questions that might be bugging you for a long time now, including questions such as:

Do I know how attraction works for a man?

There is a commitment process in building relationships, but what do I need to do in this regard?

What do I understand about how intimacy and communication work for a man in a long-term relationship?

These are things that you will learn from Infatuation Scripts.

This is a system that has all the things you need to build a relationship that truly works with a man – and lasts.

Infatuation Scripts will guide you on how you can exactly do that from the very first meeting up to the time he finally says “I love you”.

All you need is to know how to break away from the old pattern, and create a loving relationship where your man gets connected to you in a deep way – never ever to entertain any thoughts of putting an end to your relationship.

What you have here is Infatuation Scripts Program – a comprehensive program, which, when followed to the letter, will allow you to become a master in the language of love. Not to mention, it comes with many Infatuation scripts examples.

Hopefully, this Infatuation Scripts review can truly be helpful in your journey towards a healthy relationship that showers both of you with intimacy and affection.

Once you become an expert in the language of love, you can easily navigate through the conversations, dates and intimate moments you share with your beloved one.

Women make mistakes. In fact, they make a lot of them in the course of building a relationship. If you happen to be one of them, you will be so thankful if you get hold of Infatuation Scripts.

It will point out exactly what those mistakes are. The best part is, it will give tips that will help you avoid making those mistakes again.

Do you find yourself unable to properly respond when asked or touched by your partner? Or, do you get the response you expect from him?

If you know how to say the right words in a given situation, or how to reciprocate his touches, hugs, and caresses, there’s no doubt you will achieve milestones in your relationship.

Also, you can get help on how to trigger your man’s desire every time you’re with him.

There are proper words to use in each given scenario so you can easily feed your man with the three ingredients of infatuation that the author explained, namely curiosity, investment, and uncertainty.

The product will be electronically sent to you immediately after ordering it online. You should receive instructional guides in three different mediums:

  • Audio files

  • Video series

  • And the main manual

You will also receive bonuses – meaning you will not buy them separately. Included in the package are three complimentary bonuses:

  1. A Commitment calculator

  2. An E-Book titled Why Men Shut Women Out

  3. Another E-Book titled Make Any Man Yours for Life.

If you decide today to purchase it online, you will have instant access to the program as soon as you have made the payment.

Yes, you will receive the whole package right after you register your details with the seller and have made a purchase.

So, with that, you will have PDF documents, videos, and manuals – all of which contain scripts, phrases and gestures to use when enticing or turning your man on.

Science behind Infatuation Scripts

The theory that author Clayton Max based this program on is what he calls the infatuation instinct.

Basically, the idea is that, with the words you use and gestures you show your partner, you’ll be able to tap into his brain and trigger man’s infatuation instinct.

When this happens, it will release certain chemicals that will compel him to love you, to understand you more, to make him forget your little flaws and awake his most powerful emotion.

Infatuation instinct covers several areas in brain function and particularly in men, it leads to three different effects at least:

  • Infatuation instinct prevails over a man’s feelings of hesitation and doubt.

  • It is able to get rid of the logical reasons your man is using to justify his hesitation to take your relationship to the next level.

  • Finally, it can also work in the area when your man will finally be convinced that you are truly the one for him and there is no other woman that can replace you.

So, which brain chemicals are involved?

One, there is dopamine, which is the key chemical for pleasure and pain, and two, the “happy” chemical called serotonin, which stabilizes a person’s mood, feelings of well-being and happiness.

Norepinephrine plays a role in infatuation instinct because this is the chemical that helps in increasing blood sugar levels. This way, the body of the special man in your life always feels energetic, active, and positive – and not lazy or wasted.

Thus, when you say the right words and do the perfect moves to your man, and he responds in the way that you expect, you just imagine all those chemicals busily doing their job for you.

About the Author – Clayton Max

Clayton Max is a social psychologist who has coached men and women for more than a decade. He has been instrumental in improving relationships among many of them.

From his encounters with women over the first ten years of his professional life, he developed the infatuation instinct theory.

He later used it as the basis of this program.

Readers of his work can’t stop themselves from endorsing his work because of the real-life results that changed their lives forever.

So, don’t forget to throw some good and inspiring words his way when you also experience the benefits that other people are getting.

This way, we can all inspire him to continue working not only for women but also for family, children and society as a whole.

Techniques Taught in the Program

We can’t mention all techniques Clayton taught in the program in this review. However, we can try to give the basics.

Basically, you have an introduction about infatuation instinct and how that develops in a man.

You also have the 3 most important ingredients: curiosity, investment and uncertainty.

With curiosity, the man is coaxed into knowing more about the woman until he loses the power to control himself in thinking about the woman.

Then you have investment. This is basically about encouraging the guy to continue working hard to win the girl.

Last, the uncertainty part. The goal is to make your man lose control of himself totally when he is with you.

You also have other scripts with different approaches and goals, including intrigue, curveball, shaping, urgency, independence, temptation scripts and so on.

What Kind of Access will You Get in This Program?

As mentioned, you can gain instant access to infatuation scripts pdf right after purchase. You will have all the materials sent to you electronically. All you need to do is click the files and download them. The bonuses will be sent in the same way.

Benefits/Pros of Infatuation Script

The major benefits you can get include:

  • After-sale customer support: they really take the time to help you through each phase of the program

  • Step-by-step instructions that are particularly easy to understand

  • Money back guarantee

  • Instant access and free bonuses

Negative Aspects/Cons

There is only one disadvantage: It is only available online, and perhaps, for some people, $50 is quite heavy compared to other similar relationship-improvement products.

Does Infatuation Scripts Really Work?

Naturally, people would ask whether the program really works or not. Is it legit or only a scam with empty promises?

What we can say is: it depends on you.

Many people have succeeded using the principles, and actually take action without hesitation.

If you’re not ready to make the sacrifice, and you’re lousy at giving it all for the man you want or you’re having doubts about you as a person or making the effort to build a full-blown relationship, nothing will work for you.

So, be ready and accept that you really must do something; that is, if you want to experience real happiness.

Customer Reviews

So far, there are lots of good feedback. Here is a gist of them:

Some say that they hadn’t deeply connected with a relationship guide before, but not with the Clayton book. It was like the author was actually speaking to them directly.

The author has a way of targeting all their thoughts and fears, and telling them to start doing the right things and avoiding the bad.

Others say that, so far, it has been a success for them. They claim that they are able to finally put the pressure off their man. The best part is the guys even noticed it.

Men feel that they no longer show signs of jealousy. So, they say, fights have ceased.


Interested people would normally ask questions, including:

  • Is Infatuation Scripts legit?

It is legit and there are scientific facts to support it, as well as there are positive testimonies from many users. All you need to do is try if it will work for you as well.

  • Where should I buy Infatuation Scripts from?

Basically, it’s all over the internet, with many sellers competing with each other. But we will recommend you to buy it directly from official website to get all the bonuses, faster support from the creator & money-back guarantee.

  • Who is the author of Infatuation Scripts?

It is social psychologist Clayton Max. He created this program based on his personal and professional experience.

The guy is quite busy nowadays and perhaps, he is coming up with solutions to other relational issues. He likes helping – a lot!

Pricing and Money-back Guarantee

You can buy Infatuation Scripts program consisting of videos and files from different affiliate sites for about $50, but some offer it with a discount privilege or some coupon, so make sure you scour the internet a bit longer before settling with a seller.

The product is usually offered with a 60-day 100% moneyback guarantee from many sites, so you can return it if the product fails to work for you.

Just inform the seller of your intent to return, and they will give you full refund, no questions asked.

Infatuation Scripts Review Summary

The Infatuation Instinct is one of the most unique products we have out there for developing relationships between a man and a woman.

Good thing about it is it’s doable, and you can see results as you progress with the program.

The program is actually a complete self-improvement program, and not just a program designed to improve your relationship with your man.

You might not be lucky enough to get a man bent on his knees and ask you to marry him, but surely, you will have future relationships on which you can use the principles of Clayton, and perhaps in other areas of life such as business and family. Good luck!


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