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The Top Reason Why Men Are Afraid Of Commitment!

In his mind, he has defined commitment as a trap.

It's not you. You are pleasurable and fun.

But commitment feels like something else. It feels like an unknown.

And floating in a world of ambivalence-a world where he never totally commits to

anything-allows him to sidestep the fear of getting stuck in a situation where he can't win.

So your job is to remove the "unknown" part of this equation. Do that and everything changes.

How do you do that? You do it by giving him a more concrete definition of success.

In other words, show him exactly what he needs to do in order to "win" with you. Remove

ambiguity. Remove the unknown.

Sometimes that's simply a matter of literally describing to him exactly what you want at this stage of the relationship.

But more often, a completely different method is needed.

Here's the other method. It's a method I have found to be extremely powerful when it comes to changing the way people think and feel.

Define success as "pleasure." And here's what I mean by that.

Link his happiness to your happiness. Get rid of the sense that you are two different people

trying to get your needs met separately. And instead, encourage a new mindset.

The new mindset is that you can enhance each other's lives by working toward that goal

directly. As a team.

And as a team, you'll always be discussing strategy. It will never be this one big commitment

talk with all its scary unknowns.

Instead, it will be a continuous and ongoing process of discovering new ways to enhance each other's happiness.

The relationship becomes centered around this question:

"How can we purposefully plan our interactions to maximize each other's happiness?"

That's a surprisingly intimate question.

Use it and something strange begins to happen. The relationship becomes a shared project.

Something you work on together.

Now he feels in control. So it no longer feels like a trap. It feels like a shared project designed to fit with the other realities of both your lives.

So this is counterintuitive, but here's what starts to happen. You start having open

conversations about things couples usually avoid, like planning time apart, or asking if it's okay to find creative ways to spend less money on dates.

If that sounds "unromantic," please hear what I'm about to say next. The effect on your

relationship is the opposite of what you would expect.

These conversations lead to a sudden boost in your relationship momentum. Why? Because it removes the fear of forging ahead.

Instead of wanting more time away from you, these open discussions make him desire you

more. Instead of wanting to be less romantic, he wants to impress you even more.

Now the relationship makes him feel like he's winning again. Just like it felt when he first tried to make a connection with you. No ambivalence.

Now he can take his foot off the brakes. Momentum begins to build again.

Maybe you found a few of these ideas helpful. But it's nothing compared to what I'm about to tell you next.

You see, there's synergy between these three secrets for building momentum. Each one has a certain amount of power on its own.

But combine the three together, and you'll be surprised at what happens next..


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