What Men want in a Woman: 5 Ways to Make him Chase You

Every women at some point wonders what men want in a woman. What is the secret to attraction and magnetism?
We also put together a great list of ways to make him chase you!
High value woman
This means that people value what is not easily given or gotten. We know this, anything that we work for has a higher perceived value.
This happens in all aspects of life and is especially important in relationships.Being a high value woman means her time and attention is not given to anyone who is not worth it. This forces men to bring their A game which is necessary to win her over!
A high value woman has opinions and she voices them. She is not overly pleasing or acquiescing, guys think that women that have those traits aren’t confident in being their own person.
Being a woman of high value means she knows how to be treated and will not settle for any disrespect.
Having principles and standards that she lives her life by. No matter what those standards are she verbalizes them in a way that gets your point across while still being nice.
She is playful and kind with those that she is around. This warmth makes him want to be around her and her playfulness makes their time together lighthearted and fun.
Confidence is very sexy and powerful and this makes anyone that IS confident very attractive. Confident people know their worth and do not need someone else’s approval, they get their validation from themselves.
Someone that enjoys her own life
Men are attracted to women that have their own interests, hobbies and friends. In the beginning of any relationship, we want to spend a lot of our time with them. But we need to let the relationship breathe.
One of the reasons that he’s attracted to you is because of your interests, if you lose them, you will lose one of the reasons he liked you in the first place.
She doesn’t need a relationship for her happiness, but wants one to add to her already fulfilled life. This is important because he cannot be the one to fill any void.
Both need to be in a good place so that they are not needy in the relationship.
Everyone wants to have a THAT connection with someone. Communication and curiosity will be the key to finding out if you have things in common as a good starting point.
Finding out why someone does things or believes the way that they do will help you figure out if a connection is made and can be built upon.
There is a lot to learn but it only gets revealed a little at a time. Getting to know someone takes some time. She is both complicated and simple and it’s that mystery that keeps him curious.
Learning about someone requires vulnerability and this doesn’t happen overnight. Rather it takes trust and that only comes from spending time together in different situations.
This is usually enjoyable because many of our assumptions in the beginning start to change and we get to know the real person underneath.
Get vulnerable, be present and curious.
Visual chemistry
How you act, your body language and facial expressions. How you carry yourself and the confidence that you project.
The way you are look and dress are also part of the package. All of these things create a complete picture that you show to the world.
This is why meeting in real life is so valuable. A photo captures only a very small part of what makes you attractive. Your charisma can only be seen and felt in person.
How to make him chase you
Men are the hunters, if we chase them, it has the opposite effect. This is not about games, this is about creating a challenge that men desire.
Men want women that are a challenge so that shows then that you are a high value woman.
Do not be too available. You never want to be available last minute or whenever you happen to get a phone call. Make sure that your time is treated with respect and that he knows that you will be busy if he doesn’t give enough notice.
Have your own interests, so that your life does not revolve around him. Have things that you are passionate about. Showing your fun side will make him want to be around you..
Make him feel needed. Ask for help or his opinion, allow him to be an important part of the relationship. By asking him for advice you are telling him that you trust and value his judgement.
Voice your standards in a playful way. Expect him to work for you. Be kind, show interest but ultimately let them know what is acceptable to you. You set the standards and stick to it!
End a date on a high. Leave them wanting more! It’s best not to let the date drag on so end it on a high note so that he can’t wait to see you again.
Below we list a few common questions that women ask and we thought it would be a good addition to this topic on what men want in a woman.
Where can I kiss a man to drive him crazy?
First listen to his cue’s. He will guide you to what he likes best. But by whispering in his ear and kissing his neck are almost universally loved (as long as it doesn’t tickle too much!)
With his eyes closed, kissing anywhere on his back working up to his neck can be intoxicating especially when part of a massage. A kiss on the lips that is barely there, keeps him wanting more.
What makes a man adore a woman?
Make him raise his game for you. Expect more. Make sure you are being your own person. Do not give up the things that you love for anyone.You are a unique person, do not lose what you are passionate about for any relationship.
Be grateful and appreciative for the things that he does for you. All those things that he does just to make your day a little easier, show that you notice and love him for it.
When a woman knows her worth, her man will treat her with the respect she deserves.
Having a playful physical touch when talking or passing by adds to your charisma when you are together.
How to show your boyfriend you care?
Show your boyfriend that you care, by giving him attention. Doing something fun for him such as cooking his favorite meal or giving a message will surprise and make him feel special.
Try hiding notes in his lunch or wallet of cute ways to tell him you love him.or that you are thinking about him.
You know what he likes, so be creative and show it by doing something unique for him.
How to keep a man in love with you?
First choose a person that is worth your love. If you fear losing your partner to someone else, your fear may actually make that happen. You need to bring your best well rounded self to the relationship.
Ask yourself the question, what do you bring to the relationship? It’s not just one thing that makes a person attractive but many things the create that whole picture.
You remember what brought the two of you together, so revisit your roots. Make sure that you are still doing some of the small things that we tend to do when first falling in love. Nurture the relationship!
It’s also important to make sure you have time apart. You can smother a relationship if you are not careful or forget what it is like to miss the other person. If you are dating, take time to spend on your own, whether it is an afternoon or a weekend girlfriend getaway.
How to keep your man interested in you?
Do not rush and invest too much into the relationship before your partner does.
Sometimes we fall for someone because we have hope of who they will become. But we need to see them for who they actually are and how they treat you, right now. We sometimes confuse the two, which we need to realize and stop asap.
Attraction is a dance, a dance of moving closer and stepping back. If either of these things are done too much such as smothering or not being open or vulnerable, the relationship will die out.
All of the things that are listed are what men want in a woman. As you can see most traits show a strong independent woman. If someone wants a weak, subservient person, then you walk away…fast.
The one mistake that some women make is not letting a man be a man. What I mean is that, although we may not NEED a man, he needs to feel needed and appreciated. Let him be a protector and take care of you sometimes. Allow him to feel important and valued by you.
The woman that can balance these traits will be attractive to any man
Infatuation Scripts + REVIEWED by actual female!! did it work?
Having a significant other who is head-over-heels for you is probably one of every woman’s dream in a relationship.
I am speaking from experience, I should tell you.
It’s one of the simplest yet satisfying dreams any woman can ever desire.
Not that we make a man our world or whatever, but it’s actually feel good to have someone who reciprocates the atmosphere.
Someone who wouldn’t keep you guessing where you stand with his life… and his heart.
Sounds dreamy, I know.
A lot of women friends have shared their predicaments with me regarding their stand with their boyfriends, or a prospect, for that matter…
And the stories were totally revolting.
Update! — Here’s the best link to grab Infatuation Scripts and enjoy its contents 🙂
Like wow, guys can totally mess women up without them even realizing what they’re missing. That stinks.
I totally get why some women just decide to go full-on “men hater” just to not get hurt by men species anymore.
I get that a lot. I do.
But there are relationships where the other person just doesn’t see the other as their life partner.
Now, that is tormenting but happens everywhere.
Imagine having your future plans laid out in front of the person you’re sure of being with for the rest of your life only for that person to feel exactly the opposite.
In today’s review article, let me tell you a story about a woman named “Emma”, who is just like any other girl who fell in love, got her heartbroken, and magically got her guy back with the help of a program.
What program, you ask?
Infatuation Scripts- What Is It About?
A woman named Emma and her relationship expert colleague, Clayton Max, has discovered the solution for when a man suddenly loses his interest in you.
It is called the “Infatuation Scripts“.
From the name, you can immediately figure out what it is about.
It is a “script” provided to you so you know how and what to say to a man you like to get him to stay head-over-heels for you.
I’m well aware this sounds witchcraft-y, but hear me out, okay?
Other Infatuation Scripts reviews or makehimsure.com reviews might have given it a bad look, but I suggest you continue reading this one to know our standpoint.
Infatuation Scripts is a book full of words to make him sure you’re the one for him.
You’re lucky if your current guy sees you now as his life partner, but what if he suddenly changes?
What happens then?
Are you gonna give him up without putting up a good fight?
Or are you open to discussions?
As per makehimsure.com, this program is used to get the man of your dreams using just words. The power of words, indeed.
It is a program that’s all about men but is made for women. Okay, thank you, for giving us a manuscript on how we should act around men, I guess?
How Does the Program Work?
Infatuation Scripts is specifically designed to “trigger” the “Infatuation Instinct” in a guy.
It’s a book of scripts/words created for you so you can get him thinking about you “non-stop“.
I, too, was a little skeptical about this program, but given the world we live in, anything is literally possible.
You just have to believe. Manifest.
It works by giving women the “power” to get the man they want, regardless if they are “commitment-phobe” or have never been in a serious relationship before.
Infatuation Scripts has the answer.
Come to think of it, it actually does sound like modern witchcraft, no?
A love potion? Perhaps.
It covers everything a woman needs to know about how men’s mind works.
You will learn all the things men need and want to feel heard and fulfilled in a relationship.
I believe that relationships should be both ways.
But then again, as a woman myself, I know how lethal it feels when a guy you’re serious about isn’t fully committed to or invested in the relationship.
It makes you think what else you were missing, or what could be the things you overdid to make him feel suffocated.
That is where programs like Infatuation Scripts come into play. I’ve seen a lot of products just like it on social media, which proves that it is quite natural… or needed?
What’s Inside the Program?
Once you purchase the program, you will instantly get access to all of the stuff written just for you.
There you will discover the different types of “scripts” you need for every situation. These are:
Independence Scripts– wakes up a man’s desire to pursue you by indicating you won’t be “won-over” just like that.
Intrigue Scripts– get s a man’s attention and awaken his curiosity about you, so he can’t stop thinking about you even if he wants to.
Cliffhanger Scripts– just like in any other movie, this is used at the end of every conversation which leaves him feeling “not quite satisfied” and gives him the feeling like he just has to see you again sooner.
Barrier Scripts– you can express as much desire you want without giving control of your relationship over to him.
Curveball Scripts– makes you seem deeply mysterious, intensifying his curiosity about you, even if thought he had figured you out.
Shaping Scripts– trains him to put more and more effort into winning you over. Progressively increasing those feelings of investment in you so important for infatuation.
Temptation Scripts– tempts a man to want to pursue you while giving him hoops to jump through to make it challenging.
“Interested-but-not-sold” Scripts- lets a man know he has a chance with you but needs working to totally win you over. This script sends him over the edge into full-on infatuation mode.
Urgency Scripts– makes him feel like if he doesn’t do something immediately, he might lose you forever, giving him an urge to lock you down. It’s now or never.
and so many more…
Apart from that, Emma and Clayton offer free bonuses if you purchased the program.
These gratuities are books about relationships from different authors. Sounds like you’re totally paying for the good stuff here.
BONUS #1: The Commitment Calculator by Carlos Cavallo
In this book, you will hear about the “myth of commitment-phobia” and why 99% of men want a committed relationship even when they appear to be actively avoiding one.
Carlos also goes into the 7 signals that trigger caution in a man and make him go from “interested” to “freaked out” instantly.
BONUS #2: Make Any Man Yours For Life by Amy North
This book shows you how to “cheat-proof” your relationship so you never have to worry about him being unfaithful or leaving you for another woman.
She goes through the 7 reasons why men cheat, the 12 signs your man is cheating, and the 9 steps to prevent cheating in your relationship.
BONUS #3: Why Men Shut Women Out by Slade Shaw
This book contains loads of exact quotes conveyed right from the mouths of men, giving you insight into the male mind.
There ya have it. I’m quite fascinated, I must say. The components inside this program are baggable, must be worth every single penny.
How about you? What do you feel about Infatuation Scripts by far?
Hmmm, how much is it?
See those lists you get once you bought the program alongside bonuses? Well, news flash…
But fret no more… for more than 80% off, you will get everything for an introductory price of $49.95!
Wow! I mean, that was really nice of them to give it away just like that.
They badly wanted to help, no?
Reasonable price
Easy to understand
Makes relationships stronger than ever
Lots of useful bonuses/materials
60-day money-back guaranteed
Results take time (I mean, of course)
No physical product. Digital only.
Is It a Scam?
To give you a direct answer- NO.
This Infatuation Scripts review is made with fair judgment.
Nothing more, nothing less.
If you don’t believe a single thing I said in this review, I propose you get the program and see for yourself.
After all, this is just my conclusion. We are entitled to our own opinion, am I right?
No shade or anything, but I don’t really believe this program as a scam. There are reviews from different websites and people that it does actually work.
See for yourself. Just check it out.
It’s a Wrap!
Regardless or not have I given you light about the matter, I would still want to thank you for sticking up with me until this very end.
That means a lot to me- to us.
Spending weeks if not days of researching and knowing the product are nothing short of thrilling.
I swear.
Going back to the matter, I honestly believe that turning to books and scripts or whatever is an ultimatum.
Update! — Here’s the best link to grab Infatuation Scripts and enjoy its contents 🙂
Still, if you feel that it can help you, then who am I, let alone other people, to judge you? Right?
Again, we are all entitled to our choices.
If it makes you feel secure in your relationship, go get it.
But then again, it’s always a good idea to sit it out with your partner and talk about the things that bother you.
If the talking doesn’t work, then go find something else that will possibly save your relationship.
Well, that’s it for today. Do you have any products or programs in mind you want us to look at for future reviews?
Hit the comment section below!
Ciao for now! 🙂